Prince — Wishes Come True 0.5
Prince - is an app where men becomePrinces,and are ready to make your wishes come true, for the chanceto getto know you.You thought this was a simple app - just another onlinedatingapp! Again with the never ending empty conversations or likesonphotos that never amount to anything in the real world!Theinternet is full of such useless apps, but to get awomansattention and to make her fall for you, you need to make alastingimpression. Imagine not just going on a standard first date,butsomething that the woman has wished for! You become her nightinshinning armour, the man who is ready to give her what shewants,whatever that may be. With such an original approach webelievethat it will be much eaasier for people to find their truepartnerin life.Women make a wishe and wait for a prince who would like tomakeit come true. Also they can look at what different princesoffer.London, Paris, New York or Moscow - the best way to meet agirl isto give her the great experience she is looking for. Thisdoesnthave to be something expensive or something unattainable, butithas to be special to her! You can take her for a ride aroundthecity at night, or a romantic picnic in the park. Perhaps asunsetfrom the top of a skyscraper. She will let you know how tosweepher off her feet!Prince is your helper in the game of love. But you will notbejudged on simple words, but on your actions in the real world.Ifyou have offered, come through. If not you might get a jokermarkon your account - sign on a man who talks the talk but doesntwalkthe walk. Your chat with your potential princess will last only48hours, so step up, and be bold. Your match online is forthepurpose of a meeting in the real world. So make a date, getoffyour phone and ask all the questions you want to ask the persontotheir face.Prince is a dating app that allows you to feel like a trueprincein shinning armour and allows a woman to feel like a trueprincess.Let all your dreams come true.
Universal Smart Remote Ezzi TV 0.4.4
WiFi media control for Home Theater: Sony, LG, Samsung TVs, AppleTV, Dune, TiVo
CiderTV Pro for Apple TV 1.0.1
Pro version of best remote control for Apple TV 2, 3 gen + Smart TVvolume.
Теплая Машина 0.2.2
Теплая машина - первое удобное приложение дляудаленного управления автономными подогревателями (Вебасто,Eberspächer heater) и климатом салона вашего авто с вашего Андроидтелефона.• Мгновенный запуск/остановка подогревателя,• Проверка текущего статуса,• Настройка напоминаний о запуске отопителя вручную,• Автоматический запуск подогрева по расписаниюПриложение работает с любым из перечисленных GSM модулей,подключенных к вашему подогревателю:• Webasto ThermoCall 3 (TC3),• Webasto ThermoCall 4 Entry (TC 4 Entry),• Webasto TC4 Advanced (TC 4 Advanced),• Altox WBUS-4,• Альтокс WBUS-5,• Автофон Thermo,• Eberspächer EasyStart Call,• Eberspächer EasyStart Text.Все команды управления подогревателем уже находятся в памятиприложения! Не нужно ничего учить или искать инструкцию кустройству. Управляйте модемом, отправляя команды одним нажатием.Прямо из приложения.Теплая машина позволяет вам:- узнать температуру в салоне вашего авто и снаружи,- узнать температуру двигателя и охлаждающей жидкости,- узнать статус прогрева двигателя,- установить длительность прогрева в зависимости от погодныхусловий и планов вашей поездки,- настроить расписание прогрева при регулярном использованииавто,- запустить / остановить прогрев в любой момент, если у васизменились планы,- установить таймер (длительность прогрева), разумно расходуя зарядбатареи аккумулятора,- настроить напоминания о включении прогрева, настроить повтор (побудням, только по выходным и так далее),- оценить работоспособность подогревателя (получив информацию обошибках) и оперативно отреагировать на возможные неполадки.Для ознакомления с работой приложения доступен демонстрационныйрежим.Если у вас что-то не получается, не работает, вы хотитепредложить улучшение или просто сказать нам спасибо - пишите наsupport@ezzi.com. В последнем случае можно также оставить отзыв вGoogle Play =)Warm machine - the firstuser-friendly application for remote management of autonomousheaters (Webasto, Eberspächer heater) and climate interior of yourcar with your Android phone. • Instant start / stop heater• Checking the current status,• Setting up of the heater startup reminders manually• Automatic start on schedule heatingThe application works with any of the following GSM modules,connected to your heater:• Webasto ThermoCall 3 (TC3),• Webasto ThermoCall 4 Entry (TC 4 Entry),• Webasto TC4 Advanced (TC 4 Advanced),• Altox WBUS-4,• Altoks WBUS-5,• Avtofon Thermo,• Eberspächer EasyStart Call,• Eberspächer EasyStart Text.All heater control commands are already in the memory of theapplication! You do not need to learn anything or look at theinstructions in the device. Manage modem, sending commands with onetouch. Directly from the app.Warm the machine allows you to:- Check the temperature in the cabin of your car and outside,- Identify and engine coolant temperature,- Find out the status of the engine warm-up,- Set the duration of warm-up, depending on weather conditions andyour travel plans,- Adjust the warm-schedule with regular use of a car,- Start / stop the warming at any time if you have a change ofplans,- Set a timer (duration of the warm-up), it is reasonable consumingbattery power battery,- Set up reminders warming is turned on, set up repeat (onweekdays, on weekends, etc.)- Evaluate the efficiency of the heater (received errorinformation) and to respond quickly to potential problems.For a job application available demo mode.If you have something does not work, it does not work, you wantto suggest an improvement, or just to say thank you to us - writeto support@ezzi.com. In the latter case, you can also leave areview in Google Play =)
Remote for Apple TV - CiderTV 1.0.3-lite
Control & keyboard for 2, 3 gen Apple TV via WiFi + TV volume